Well, here we are in March and I just don’t know how we got here!!

Christmas was busy, as it always is and then I was looking forward to prepping for my bag making class at a retreat, when the rains came – and they came and came and came. We did have a small flood in the house. The garden was underwater and it came pouring through the french doors. Although it was only a few inches deep in the house, it took 3 days of clearing, and cleaning up to get rid of the silt. Luckily it didn’t get in either of my sewing rooms, but all the towels, quilts & blankets I had thrown down to absorb some of the water took 3 washes to get everything clean. We have a slightly warped wooden floor now, but the end of the house that got flooded is the end we haven’t renovated yet – so it can all be put right in time. I do have a supply of sandbags now, so apart from a few sleepless nights when it’s pouring down again, it has all been fine.

I then went on my retreat and had a wonderful time teaching bag making to my class. They were all novices I believe and they all did really well. A lot of them doubted they’d even finish a bag, but they did, and were really chuffed with what they’d made and learned – and I’m happy to report they’ve carried on making bags and are loving it!!! After the retreat I couldn’t do anything much for a good couple of weeks. I’d pushed myself with the flood and retreat and my sarcoidosis flared up and I realised that I would just have to take some time to alow my body to recover – auto immune diseases aren’t fun and love to remind you they are there.

I have made some bags though. The brown crossbody was the bag I taught at the retreat. The denim crossbody was a fun sew and has been snapped up already and the two velvet slouch bags are waiting to go on the website.

I also set about making a doll. This is a very special doll for a special person and will be delivered next week. I had a wonderful time making him, it brought back lots of memories – and hairdressing skills LOL – although doll hair is harder to work with than normal hair, but I’m happy with the end result. Now I’m getting ready to make a topsy/turvy doll!!!

Oh and I must get started on a baby quilt, my new grandson is due any time soon, so I’d best get stitching, there’s a lot of embroidered blocks to get done before I can piece it together.

Will be back soon xx