
More on Jules
When I was a little girl, my Nan Daisy, taught me to sew, knit & crochet. I also used to stay with her a lot during the holidays where she taught me to bake – especially her famous Daisy cakes!!!
I was always ‘crafting’ in some form or another, but as I became a teenager, I became a bit of a rebel and soon gave up on the knitting, crochet & sewing. When I had my daughter, the knitting skills came back out and were soon followed by sewing. I had a small, basic, sewing machine but used it to make my daughter a bridesmaid dress for my sister’s wedding and the usual costumes for World Book Day and plays at school. I had always loved patchwork quilts but knew my little machine wasn’t up for the job and so it remained something I dreamed about learning at some point in the future. When my Nan passed away, she left me a little bit of money and so I treated myself to my very first ‘proper’ grown up sewing machine, which I immediately named Daisy. I set about learning the process of quilting and started making quilts for everyone. This led onto memory bears and eventually bag making.
When coming up with a name for my business, it had to reflect my roots – both in my personal life and my sewing life – Daisy (my Nan) made me the person I am today, and Daisy (the machine) made all my items, so Daisy Made It was born.
Thank you Nan, for being my biggest teacher, my best supporter and my ultimate foundation behind everything I do xx

2020 the rebuild
Daisy Made It Studio
I live in the South of England in a small village in Hampshire, in an old, converted dairy. Although we loved the property as soon as we viewed it, we knew it would need lots of work. First job though was getting my sewing room sorted. We had two outbuildings – the milking parlour and the barn – I picked the milking parlour because, even though it was the smaller of the two, I knew it could be rebuilt without demolishing it first, so it would get done before the barn.
It probably would have been easier to knock it down and start again but I wanted to keep the history. The only original parts left are the four corner pillars and the A frame holding up the roof……and a piece of wood we found under the old shiplap, stating when it was originally built and when it had last had new shiplap put on – which was back in the 1960’s.
We first put in new windows and doors, and then put a new roof on. I had the new windows put in, in the same wonky positions the originals were in, and bifold doors where the original barn doors were. Then we tackled the interior – new walls, sockets, lights and flooring and finally the new shiplap.
It truly is my happy place and I am out there every day, either sewing, drafting new patterns, sorting fabrics and making space for new supplies, and yes, machines count as supplies LOL